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S3 learning intentions

S3 exploring space
 Exploring the Universe.

At the start of S3 you embark on a trip to the Glasgow Science Centre to start exploring the Universe. You will find out how radio telescopes are telling us more about our Universe including the birth and death of stars. You will consider the possibility of whether life could exist elsewhere in the Universe.

To see the learning outcomes for this area, please click on the following links:

How do we explore the Universe (Word doc, 12 KB)(opens new window)

How do we explore the Universe (PDF, 119 KB)(opens new window)


 DNA and Cells.

Assuming that we have found a new planet to exist on, who and what are we going to take? 

Cells may be a space-saver to take life to a new planet but how does their DNA work and whose DNA should we take?

To see the learning outcomes for this area, please click on the following links:

DNA and cells (Word doc, 21 KB)(opens new window)

DNA and cells (PDF, 232 KB)(opens new window)


S3 rocket
 Building the rocket.

If humans decide that they will venture into space for colonisation of a new planet, we will need a spaceship to travel in. But how will we decide what to make it out of? What shape will it be?

To see the learning outcomes for this area, please click on the following link:

Building the Rocket - learning intentions (pdf) (PDF, 215 KB)(opens new window)

Building the Rocket - learning intentions (Word) (Word doc, 25 KB)(opens new window)

S3 rocket launch
 Blast Off!

How will we calculate how to Blast Off? What conditions need to be created for our rocket to launch?

To see the learning outcomes for this area, please click on the following link:

S3 Take off learning outcomes (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)

S3 Take off learning outcomes (Word doc, 16 KB)(opens new window)

S3 astronaut
Survival in Space.

Space travel places immense strain on the body but just what are the effects of blasting away from this planet?

To see the learning outcomes for this area, please click on the following link:

S3 Coping with life in space (PDF, 112 KB)(opens new window)

S3 Coping with life in space (Word doc, 24 KB)(opens new window)

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