Classroom Councils

The Science and Technology faculty operates a Classroom Council to gain insight on particular areas of learning and teaching. The focus for a term is agreed at a faculty meeting and can arise from any stimulus including a specific improvement priority, teacher query or pupil feedback. Areas that have been looked at include how the faculty supports transition from P7-S1 and S3-4, the effectiveness of numeracy homework exercises in BGE, how we support our pupils in lessons and classroom ethos.

Once the focus and year group(s) involved are identified, key questions are developed and class teachers then operate the council in a manner that suits them. This includes whole class activities with feedback directly to the teacher, focus groups of pupils to represent the class, post-it notes of reflection and group carouselling. The views are brought together at a faculty meeting where pertinent points and next steps are identified. This is a natural way of affirming our reflections on learning and teaching within the faculty as well as allowing us to identify future improvement priorities based on pupil feedback.

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