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Global and Cultural Studies

The Global and Cultural Studies Faculty encompasses the curricular areas of Social Studies (Geography, History and Modern Studies) and Modern Languages.

Subjects taught within the Global and Cultural Studies Faculty are: French, Spanish, Italian, Geography, History, Modern Studies and RMPS.

The Principal Teacher of Global and Cultural Studies Faculty is Mrs L. White.

The faculty is comprised of twelve members of staff, including the Head of Faculty:


  • Mrs S. Legg (French, Spanish and Italian)
  • Miss K. Innes (French and Spanish)
  • Mrs L. White (French and Spanish)
  • Miss Merson (French and Spanish)
  • Mr McBride (History and Moden Studies)
  • Ms Clark (History)
  • Mr Armitage (History and Modern Studies)
  • Miss Bryson (Modern Studies and Politics)
  • Ms Davidson (Geography)
  • Mrs Dandie (Modern Studies and Geography)
  • Miss Stalker (RMPS)
  • Miss Hughes (RMPS)


As a faculty, we firmly believe that language and literacy are of personal, social and economic importance. Our ability to use language - both our native language and foreign languages - lies at the centre of the development and expression of our emotions, our thinking, our learning and our sense of personal identity. Language is itself a key aspect of our culture and of learning about other cultures. Both departments focus on developing an understanding of the structures of language, and the development of language skills in reading, writing, talking and listening


Throughout the BGE, all pupils will study both English and French. Towards the end of S3 pupils will also have an opportunity to study Spanish. In the Senior Phase we offer courses in English from National 3 level to Advanced Higher and in French and Spanish from National 3 to Higher.


Please see subject links for more detailed course information.



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