The majority of school pupils do not have healthcare needs which require day-to-day support in school.
Those pupils who do have healthcare needs may require support in school for:
Level/duration of support | For example |
A short period of time and/or requiring minimal support | Taking antibiotics until the course is finished or having mobility problems due to having to wear a leg cast |
Ongoing minimal daily support due to a long-term condition |
Medication to be held in school in case certain symptoms occur, including medication to prevent or minimise an emergency situation | Asthma inhaler or adrenaline pen for pupils with severe allergies |
Certain conditions which require them to perform clinical tests to help them manage their condition | Blood glucose tests for diabetics |
Complex, chronic conditions, not managed with medication, that require more in-depth planning and support | Following a serious head injury |
Apart from a few exceptional circumstances, all areas of the school curriculum, including school camps, should be accessible to pupils with healthcare needs. Forward planning will be required to accommodate these needs.
There may be times where a pupil requires forms to be completed and signed before appropriate care can be carried out in schools. Forms are available to parents and carers directly on the West Lothian Council or contact Pupil Support.
Our Responsibilities
Bathgate Academy staff
- Be aware of difficulties/symptoms pertaining to the healthcare needs and the resulting challenges in school.
- Know our school's procedures for responding to an emergency situation including first aid support and contacting emergency services.
- Where necessary, attend awareness/training sessions as indicated by the Head Teacher.
- Carry out procedures as outlined in the Handbook of Procedures for the Management of Pupils with healthcare needs in Educational Establishments.
- Protect the dignity of pupils as far as possible, even in emergencies.
Parents and Carers
- Ensure their child attends school when well enough to do so.
- Share all relevant information pertaining to the child's health needs, including changes to condition or medication, with Pupil Support staff at the earliest opportunity.
- Where an Individual Healthcare Plan is required, sign all forms relating to this and obtain any health professional's signature required.
- Give the first dose of any medication and observe no adverse reaction before the medicine is administered in school.
- Replenish school supply of medication as required.
- Collect out of date medication and ensure it is disposed of correctly.
- Collect all medication at the end of the academic year.