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Children's Mental Health Week 2023

Child's Mental Health Week 2023 takes place between 6th-12th February 2023. Pupils across the school will engage with a range of activities over the course of this week. The theme of CMHW 2023 is 'Let's Connect'. With this in mind, we are encouraging our young people to #disconnecttoreconnect. We hope to share some of the success of this week following the February break. For now, please use the links below to access support and information around mental health and wellbeing.

Every day this week pupils are being shown the following video clips which have a particular focus on mental health.

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday -

Our young people are also being encouraged to participate in a personal challenge to 'disconnect in order to reconnect'. How will our young people get on? We hope to share some of their success after the February holidays.


To complement the range of support pupils are offered at Bathgate Academy, we would also like to draw pupil's attention to all of the incredible resources that are available to pupils at any time of day. Please explore the links below to find something that meets your needs. Remember, it is ok not to be okay and there is ALWAYS someone in school who can listen and help you.


General Support and Helplines  

NHS Inform Website - Support for a range of Mental Health Issues  

CAMHS - Support for a range of Mental Health Issues -  

Mind -  

Place2Be -  

Therapy Comic - Comic illustrations that provide an understanding of different mental health issues as well as providing support and strategies to cope with poor mental health.  

Young Minds - providing young people with tools to look after their mental health.  

SuperBetter - builds resilience - the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of change and difficult challenges. 

Child Bereavement UK - providing support to young people and families affected by bereavement.  

Childline - 24/7 support by phone, online chat or email.  

Give Us a Shout - 24/7 text service  

The Mix - Free, confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile  

  • 0808 808 4994 

Samaritans - 24-hour helpline offering emotional support for anyone feeling down, distressed or struggling to cope. 


Breathing Space - A confidential out of office hour's telephone line for people over 16 experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression. 


Anxiety Management 


Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) - Useful Guides, Contact Details of Organisations That Offer Support,  

Anxiety UK - Helping to Support those Suffering from Anxiety.  

Moodjuice - Self-Esteem Help Guide 

Young Scot - Aye Feel  

Brave - Young people can learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve their mood - this tool can also benefit parents too.  




Heads Above The Waves - Blogs, advice and information about depression and self-harm.  

Papyrus - supporting the wellbeing of all young people with a specific focus on suicide awareness, prevention and support.  

National Self Harm Network (NSHM) - support individuals who self-harm to reduce emotional distress and improve their quality of life as well as raise awareness of the issue to help combat discrimination.  


Eating Disorders 

Beat - Provides Support for those Suffering from an Eating Disorder, or Helping to Educate Others on How to Support an Eating Disorder. 

SupportED - Providing support and education about eating disorders.  


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder  

OCD-UK - raising awareness of life with OCD as well as educating people on the illness.  

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