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Maths BGE

In S1 to S3 pupils follow a broad general mathematical education built around Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes, and subsequently benchmarks (link to numeracy benchmarks).

S1 - S3 A Broad General Education

Pupils are streamed into either a Level 2/3 or a Level 3/4 stream by CEM Mental Arithmetic age gap, P7 Level 2 test information and P7 transition information. This occurs at the start of term in August but all pupils will follow the same numeracy block for 10-weeks until just after the October break. At this point a comprehensive Level 2 Numeracy assessment will be sat and classes will be finalised based on these results and S1 CAT scores. Moving forward pupils will follow a challenging Inter-leaved curriculum with one period each week being spent on Numeracy, Real-life maths, Algebra and Shape, Space & Measure regardless of Stream. Each topic will be pre-tested and post-tested to assess understanding with retention being further tested in two cross-topic assessments throughout each year in S1-3. As each stream will follow similar topics movement between streams is available at all points. By the end of S3 a clear picture will be established on the best route for pupils achieving success at national level.


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