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Geography Broad General Education

S1 Geography is integrated with other Social Subjects at Bathgate Academy. Please see this page: Integrated Social Studies


S2 Geography- Journey around the World

Around the world

In S2 pupils take a journey around the world to explore a variety of different countries and cultures different from our own. This allows pupils to examine countries they may not know very much about and to experience cultures they are unfamiliar with. Throughout the course of the year pupils journey through all seven continents. There are opportunities for pupils to explore new lands, learn about different cultures and people as well as finding out how diverse life can be in different countries around the world. 


In class pupils investigate the countries of Mali, Japan, Australia, the United States of America, Peru and the continent of Antarctica. Pupils get the option to select a European country as a case study which they complete in their own time as homework using the skills and knowledge developed through exploration of the other countries investigated as part of the course.



S3 Geography- Our Changing Earth


Overarching aim: to enable pupils to understand the aspects of Geography which are most relevant to citizens of the 21st Century and appreciate the importance of their role in shaping the future of the earth.


Our S3 curriculum is divided in to sub-units to allow pupils to explore elements of human and physical Geography while developing their Geographical skills and expertise. This year our S3 pupils have spent time investigating John Muir while exploring the built and natural environments of North Berwick in East Lothian. Pupils completed a mini investigation of North Berwick and the surrounding area, participating in a field trip to complete a town survey of North Berwick as well as collecting litter and cutting sea buckthorn with East Lothian Council rangers. This helped provided pupils with fieldwork experience to prepare pupils for completing an added value unit assignment in S4/5/6. 

S3 Geography Link
S3 Geography Trip 2017-litter

Pupils will go on to explore three further units in S3 Geography:


Food for thought

food for thought

In this unit pupils begin to investigate where our food from and what impact humans can have on earth. The work completed in this unit examines farming in the UK as well as globalisation and sustainability. This unit uses a range of media resources and project work to engage the pupils in topical global issues.


Urban Jungle

urban jungle

This unit looks at a comparison between Brazil and Scotland. It examines population change, industry and developments in both countries before examining the impact of humans on earth.


What will our future be?


This unit makes use of up to date information relating to climate change and engages pupils in discussion about climate change. Pupils are asked to consider consequences of climate change on our future.

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