Student Surveys
All pupils will have the opportunity each year to comment on their experiences at Bathgate Academy. The annual survey, taking place just after the Easter holidays each year, will give all pupils a formal voice in the organisation and life of the school.
The surveys are likely to be different for each year group with questions potentially changing every year dependent on our priorities. Our pupils will be given time during their PSE classes to complete the survey online. Once collated, a summary report of our findings will be discussed before the summer holidays and will form a key part of the school's self evaluation process as we decide on our improvement priorities for the following year. Once published, all pupil survey returns can be accessed below.
2018 returns
Whole School responses 2018 (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
S1 2018 (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)
S2 2018 (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)
S3 2018 (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
S4 2018 (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)
S5 2018 (PDF, 121 KB)(opens new window)
2017 returns
2016 returns