Message from Head Teacher: Return to school tomorrow (19th)
A message from Grant Abbot giving an update on return to school arrangements can be seen below

Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope that you have been able to enjoy the Easter holiday period.
We are really looking forward to the full-time return of all pupils on Monday 19th April (tomorrow) in line with Scottish Government guidance. You will have read my letter just before the start of the holidays setting out the specific details of this return, which can still be accessed here
I would like to remind you of some of the following key measures that we will have in place and some simple steps we can all take to ensure we enjoy the best possible term. There will be a welcome back online assembly for pupils tomorrow where this information will be reiterated.
- All pupils and staff to wear face coverings at all times in the school, unless they are exempt. Pupils must also wear face coverings on school transport.
- S1-S3 pupils should enter and leave the school via pupil entrance, S4-S6 pupils enter and leave via main reception.
- Pupils will no longer have to observe 2m distancing from other pupils but 2m distancing remains between staff, and between pupils and staff.
- All pupils have access to Covid-19 home testing kits. Thank you for ensuring an extremely high take up of this. Ideally pupils should take the test on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening each week. Kits will be available for pupils as required.
- All pupils and staff are expected to sanitise their hands on entry to the building and classrooms. Additional wiping of desks will also be in place.
- Staggered intervals and lunchtimes will be in place with S1-S3 and S4-S6 as designated groups at these times. No pupils can leave the school estate during the day.
- The significance of increased ventilation has been highlighted in the most recent guidance
I would urge all pupils who have LFD Covid test kits to take a test this evening before returning to school tomorrow.
Pupils will be following their normal 7 period timetable. Copies of individual timetables will be available to pupils if required.
Thank you once again for your continued support as we welcome the full return of our school community back to the building.
Best wishes
Grant Abbot
Head Teacher