S4-S6 Summarised Assessment Calendar: summer term 2021.
Please find attached a summarised copy of the SQA Assessment calendar for after the Easter holidays.
30 March
![ba 50 school image](https://bathgateacademy.westlothian.org.uk/image/17625/ba-50/standard.jpg?m=1509090151667)
To continue gathering evidence for SQA provisional results, subject assessments will be carried out during the summer term.
This summarised calendar indicates which subjects have assessments arranged at some point in a particular week. Specific dates and times of these assessments occurring in normal class time will be published on Subject Teams and Show My Homework over the coming few days.
Whilst every effort has been made to avoid three assessments in one day, should you ultimately find this to be the case, please speak to the Principal Teacher of your second scheduled assessment.