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Remote Learning arrangements from 11th January 2021

This website page sets out all the information and links required for our learners and their parents/carers during this period of remote learning. It will be updated as required. Our remote learning during this period of school closure will occur for nearly all pupils through Microsoft TEAMS. Pupils of key workers and some other identified pupils will access learning in school.

Remote Learning

From Monday 11th January all year groups will have access to daily lessons via Microsoft TEAMS. All classes have been using Teams since August and it has been the main vehicle for issuing homework. Your child will therefore be a member of all the necessary TEAMS. Learners will need access to an internet enabled device (Laptop, PC, Tablet, Xbox, PlayStation etc.)

Pupil online timetables for each year group and TEAM Codes for all courses during this period of remote learning can be accessed on the download section of this page. 

Similar to during the previous lockdown we will operate a different online timetable to the normal in-school timetable. This schedule gives more time for work to be consolidated and less online movement between different classes. This schedule is one pupils and parents already understand.

Remote Learning Overview

Overview of Online learning from January 11th 2021.

    What can you expect from our Remote Learning provision

    Bathgate Academy Online Learning Expectations

    Learning at Home guide for S1 pupils

    We are aware our S1 pupils have not experienced remote learning before at the Academy. As such, please click link below to open powerpoint, enable editing and then  play slide show from beginning. Ensure your speakers are on! This narrated guide will take you through what to do and expect during this time of remote learning. Other pupils/parents may also be interested in hearing this as well.

    Learning at home guide for S1 (gi.ui.mediatype.powerpoint, 10 MB)(opens new window)

    Online Etiquette

    Online Etiquette

    In-school learning for identified pupils

    From Monday 11th January pupils of key workers who have applied and a small number of other identified learners can come to school each day. They will follow the same timetable schedule as pupils working online.

    • Pupils should enter and leave via the pupil entrance at 8.30am. H&S protocols including use of hand sanitiser/face coverings(where appropriate) continue to be observed.
    • School uniform should be worn and pupils attendance will be registered as per WL 'safe arrivals' policy.
    • Pupils will be designated a classroom within the Business Education/Computing corridor for the day. At the present time classrooms are being designated by year group.
    • Pupils will be supported by members of staff as they engage in online work set by relevant subject teachers. 
    • IT facilities will be available for pupils.
    • Pupils/parents should click relevant link opposite to access their daily timetable, TEAMS codes and times of learning blocks.
    • Interval and lunch arrangements are in place so pupils can buy/obtain food. Pupils will not leave the school grounds during the day.
    • School transport runs as normal. 


    Some key parental questions and answers from our previous experience of online learning

    Key parental questions and answers from previous experience of online learning

    Health and Wellbeing

    Lockdown can be very challenging so remember to look after your health and wellbeing as well as working hard. While you're expected to fully engage in your learning you are not expected to be online all of the time. Take regular breaks, get some exercise, and have healthy snacks and hydrate, drinking plenty of water.
    Joe Wicks will take up 'PE with Joe' again on his YouTube channel on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, you can also find lots of other exercise programs on his YouTube channel. Joe Wicks Body Coach (opens new window)
    January's Action for Happiness calendar, can be accessed here Action for Happiness calendar (opens new window)

    Some of your possible questions including how to get assistance and advice regarding your child's remote learning experience, including access to IT.

    Looking for more support or advice?

    Query Answer/ Link
    My child has forgotten their Glow password. Your child should phone the school office to get this reset. If a parent calls, your child should be nearby to speak to the member of office staff.
    My Senior Phase child is not sure what subject they chose in a particular column so is struggling to complete their online timetable?Your child's classroom teacher has informed your child of this on their subject TEAMS page. If still not sure, phone School Office who can give this information.
    If you require technical support please click link in 'useful pages' box titled 'accessing Glow and Microsoft Teams'. If you cannot resolve your issue please contact relevant Depute Head Teacher via link

    Accessing Glow and Microsoft Teams

    School Leadership Team

    A significant number of pupils still have school netbooks at home. If your child requires a netbook you can request one via the link box opposite. We will be in touch to arrange uplift. Request a netbook for home learning (opens new window)
    I would like to enquire whether access to a SIM card for free limited online access is available. To check whether this is possible and you meet certain criteria please contact
    If you wish to raise a specific subject based query, in the first instance your child's online teacher may well be able to answer this through Microsoft Teams. If this is not appropriate please contact the relevant PT/C for the subject concerned via email. You can access PT/C email addresses hereSchool Leadership Team
    I want to know what my child will be doing in their upcoming online classes so we can plan in advance. Weekly Learning overviews can be accessed here and are updated weekly. Learning overview for week ahead (incl healthy eating grids): January 2021

    If you have a wellbeing concern regarding your child please contact the relevant House Head via this link. Jamie Connelly is currently absent from work. Newland pupil pastoral concerns should be directed to in the first instance.

    Contact House Heads

    If your child has involvement with the ASN department and requires additional support or you wish advice you can contact the PTC here: Contact Support for Learning
    Teachers and learners at Bathgate Academy have access to SCHOLAR online learning materials supporting 41 SQA National Qualifications in addition to some resources for level 3 of the Broad General Education. Click link oppositeScholar Online SQA courses (opens new window)
    Other learning websites to compliment ongoing coursework can be accessed hereOther learning websites
    A copy of the HT letter sent on 5.1.21 can be accessed hereHT letter 5.1.21 (PDF, 370 KB)(opens new window)
    Link to West Lothian Coronavirus FAQ website page can be accessed hereWest Lothian Coronavirus FAQ (opens new window)





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