Senior Phase Modern Languages
Courses available in Senior Phase:
National 3 French/Spanish - available on demand
National 4/5 French
National 4/5 German - available on demand
National 4/5 Spanish
Higher French
Higher German - available on demand
Higher Spanish
Advanced Higher French - available on demand
Advanced Higher Spanish - available on demand
Senior Phase
In Senior Phase, the time allocation for pupils in Modern Languages is 5 periods per week. All pupils, no matter what level they will sit, will complete a common course that follows the four contexts of Society, Culture, Learning and Employability. The themes within these contexts change depending on the level that is sat. Grammar revision and development is also taught at all levels.
Outwith the classroom, pupils can enjoy an excursion to France (Paris) and Spain (Barcelona). They will also be given the opportunity to visit film festivals and to have lunch at a restaurant after. Once again, pupils will continue to make connections to the world of work. Links have been established with Dalmahoy Country Club and further education establishments.
Senior Phase pupils' progress will be assessed through Unit Assessments. These assessments cover different themes and test the four skills: listening, talking, reading and writing. At National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, pupils will sit a final talking exam in March. Their final SQA exam will take place in April/May and test their listening, reading and writing skills.
Homework Policy
In both the BGE and Senior Phase, homework will comprise:
Consolidation at home of each day's lesson
Learning of new vocabulary and grammar structures
Online homework (listening and reading)
Formal written tasks